We are at the point in our camping and hiking career that we have accumulated all the gear. Got all the stuff one could need. But now, what we find fun is to look for the unconventional products to make our adventures more interesting. What’s the newest and most innovative gadget out there? Are there better options for ultralight backpacking accessories? What are some awesome camping gift ideas? How can we improve upon what outdoor equipment we already have? Well, we have found some unique stuff and we want to share with you this top 10 list of cool camping gear (and most are available on Amazon😄).
Basically, this is a list that takes you from outdoor gear you need, to outdoor gear you want. The fun stuff!
Do you have that one item that you bring along on a camping or hiking trip that everyone comments on? Let us know what it is in the comments below! 👇
Our Top 10 List of Cool Camping Gear
Wicked Edge Go Knife Sharpener

We had to put this at the top of our cool camping gear list! This accessory is for the true hunter, angler and outdoorsman. This is the cream of the crop and will change the way you think about knife sharpening.
The Wicked Edge GO Knife Sharpener is a precision engineered, manual sharpening machine. It holds the perfect angle and gives you ultimate control over your knife edge while both sides of your blade are sharpened at the same time. This gives you an impeccably shaped edge and amazing results, even as a beginner!
This knife sharpener is premium quality and made from high end, aircraft grade aluminum and stainless steel. And we think what makes it so unique is its versatility. Whatever knife you have, Wicked Edge is sure to perfect it. It can handle a huge variety of knives from pocket knives, to kitchen knives, to Japanese knives, to cleavers and even knives up to 15 inches in length. It will also adapt to a huge range of knife grinds and accommodate knives up to 1/4″ thick. And if you are serious about giving your knives a healthy long life, you need to keep its edge and angle in tip top shape. Wicked Edge offers an expansive range of sharpening angles and allows you to sharpen anywhere from 13 to 35 degrees per side.
And the sharpening stones are magical (get a close up in the picture below). A set of 800/1000 grit diamond stones maintain your blade to razor sharpness. And the micro fine ceramic stones finish it off for a perfectly refined edge.
But what we love most, as busy, on-the-go travelers, is how portable it is. It is designed to go anywhere. That means it is not only the perfect knife sharpener for your home, but for camping, hunting and fishing trips too.
We admire this small, family-owned company. They are passionate about the outdoors and are eager to share their knowledge with you. They run an online forum where anyone can go to learn everything about knife sharpening (check out their online forum here) and they provide a base full of articles and videos on how to use their products.
We have our own Wicked Edge GO and it is incredible. The finest knife sharpener we have ever owned (and we have owned many!). We want to help you get one of your own!
Luckily, Wicked Edge holds one sale a year on Black Friday. Go follow them on social media (Instagram @officialwickededge, Facebook @wickededge and Twitter @wickededge) to be the first to learn about the specific promotions being offered.
Wacaco Minipresso GR Portable Espresso and Coffee Machine

If you are a coffee lover, much like ourselves, you don’t want to sacrifice the quality of your brew when you are outdoors.
The Wacaco Minipresso Portable Espresso Machine is the perfect outdoor solution. It is designed to be the smallest, lightest and most versatile handheld espresso and coffee machine you can buy.
And it’s extremely easy to operate. The Minipresso uses a semi-automatic piston to create pressure and extract the perfect espresso. Simply add ground coffee to the filter basket, apply slight pressure to level the grind, add hot water, pump a few strokes to pressurize and extract perfect espresso with generous crema.
Biolite Kitchen CampStove 2

We love to get really off-grid when we can. And anything that requires zero energy to use or creates its own energy is a gift in the backcountry. Biolite does it both.
With Biolite’s CampStove 2 you can actually turn fire into electricity. This innovative technology creates a vortex of smokeless flames for a portable campfire that can cook your meals wherever you are. Not only that, but it harnesses the power of the fire and allows you to charge your gear using the same device. No gas canisters necessary! Just utilize the energy from the small twigs that surround you.
This camp stove generates 3 Watts of power which allows you to charge up phones and lights. And you get all of this at an ultralight weight of only 2.06 lbs! And at the size of a 32oz widemouth water bottle. The perfect kitchen gadget to bring on your next backpacking trip and a no-brainer addition to our cool camping gear list.
Road Shower 4S Portable Shower

If you like to take long car camping trips, showers are always a concern. The ability to have a hot shower wherever and whenever you please seems like a dream.
The Road Shower 4S actually gives you that! It is like adding plumbing to your vehicle’s roof rack. This awesome piece of car camping gear delivers 4 gallons of pressurized hot water wherever you go.
And the best part – the water heats itself. As long as it’s sunny out, of course. This water system sits on your roof and uses the energy of the sun to heat up the water while you drive or are parked.
And if you are traveling in cooler, cloudy weather, the Road Shower still functions as a cold water shower, or use it as water storage for a pressurized way to wash dishes, or to rinse off dirty gear or pets.
We can tell just by looking at you that you are an outdoor lover, just like us! While you’re here, check out our other hiking and camping posts:
- ‘Your Day Hiking Essentials Packing List’
- ‘How to Get in Shape for Hiking’
- ‘The Essential Backpacking Packing List’
- ‘Hiking Food Ideas for Healthy Snacks and Meals’
- ‘The Ultimate Camping Packing List – With FREE Printable’
- ‘10 of the BEST Budget Sleeping Bags’
Garmin GPSMAP 66i GPS and Satellite Communicator

We’ve had plenty of outdoor adventures where we were less than prepared and have gotten ourselves into situations that were not safe. Luckily, those dreadful experiences are behind us and have taught us some invaluable lessons. Now, our top two priorities when outdoors are finding multi-use items and ensuring our safety.
And Garmin saves the day again with it’s GPSMAP 66i. These devices are what you need if you are truly concerned for your safety in the backcountry. The GPSMAP 66i delivers first-rate navigation that we expect from Garmin – detailed views of terrain contours, topographic elevations, and summits; BirdsEye Satellite Imagery provide high-resolution photo-realistic views of your route; and altimeter, barometer and compass navigation sensors.
But the kicker is the addition of its global communication with inReach satellite technology. This satellite technology allows you to trigger an SOS to a 24/7 emergency response team for interactive support in an emergency. It also enables two-way messaging and LiveTrack location sharing, so you can stay in contact with anyone back home
And depending how long your trip is, you have two modes to choose from. For a trip less than 35 hours, use the default tracking mode and the device will save your location every 10 minutes. For longer trips, you can extend it’s battery life for up to 200 hours in expedition mode.
And on top of it all, the device lets you access Active Weather for up-to-date forecasts, including predictive maps for temperature, wind, precipitation and clouds. This is the most complete hiking safety gadget we could find.
Wolf and Grizzly Fire Safe Portable Fire Pit

This next gadget solves the problem of having no fire pit on your campsite. And what is camping without a fire?
The Wolf Grizzly Fire Safe is a portable fire pit that allows you to start a fire anywhere that is permissible. And it’s super portable, under 2.2 lbs, and packs down to a slim 1″ envelope-sized package. So you can bring it along on your multi-day hikes.
The Fire Safe is very versatile. It allows you your choice of fuel whether it be wood or charcoal and it gives you three height options depending on your reason for use.
It is also extremely efficient. Airflow direction has been carefully engineered to create an efficient and clean burn in strong or light wind conditions. It requires 26% less fuel per unit of surface area than its competitors. An awesome piece of cool camping gear to add to your list.
We just spent 6 months on the road, overlanding North America in our converted SUV camper van. And we think it is the best way to see the world! Full of fun, adventure, and budget-friendly travel. You can check out our vanlife posts here:
- ‘Why You Should Consider Overland Camper Travel’
- ‘The Most Essential Items You Need for Car Camping’
- ‘15 Ways to Travel Responsibly While Overlanding’
- ‘Which Camper Vehicle is Right for You?’
Don’t Die in the Woods Survival Tent and Emergency Blanket

Another lesson we learned after many treks out into the woods was realizing proper preparation is not only important for overnight hikes, but for day hikes as well. Many things can go wrong when you are outdoors and it is best to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.
‘Don’t Die in the Woods’ gets it and has created compact and ultralight survival gear that is easy for you to throw into your day hiking backpack. The 2-person survival tent and emergency blankets provide you with the shelter and warmth you will need to survive while waiting for help.
They identify their shelters as the toughest ultralight emergency tents on earth. Made from tear-resistant, extra-thick HeatFlex mylar, this reusable survival tube tent is built to withstand harsh weather conditions and is the perfect balance of durability & weight at only 9.5 ounces.
And their blankets are just as tough. These ultra compact, massive 7×5 foot emergency blankets are 23% larger than standard foil blankets and weigh only 2 ounces.
And the cherry on top – half of the profits are donated to conservation efforts around the world.
Goal Zero Nomad 20 Solar Panel

Having a solar panel system and a way to make your own energy is the ultimate luxury when you are camping and backpacking. This technology is still being researched and developed for true efficiency, but there are some brands out there doing it right now.
The Goal Zero Nomad 20 Solar Panel is currently the best rated portable solar panel system out there. The system utilizes large, foldable panels to ensure you’re collecting the most power from the sun as possible. The 20 Watt and weatherproof panels are also chainable, so you can link them together to obtain as much energy as you need.
Keep in mind, this solar panel system does not hold a charge. It simply provides power when it is exposed to sunlight. You can plug in gadgets, like your phone, headlamp, or tablets directly into the panel. However, if you have a portable power pack or power station, the Nomad 20 can charge them up so you have access to power when the sun goes down.
HoverGlide Floating Backpack
If you have ever completed a multi-day backpacking trip, you know how difficult it is to carry 50 lbs of gear on your back. It requires an incredible amount of endurance and energy, not to mention the huge risk of injury. This is such a necessary and innovative piece of backpacking equipment – it had to be on our cool camping gear list!
Hoverglide’s Floating Backpack truly changes the backpacking game! They have created a Suspended Load Technology which allows your entire pack load to seamlessly glide up and down as you are hiking. This keeps your load at a constant height with respect to the ground.
And it makes a huge difference. This technology reduces impact forces up to 86%, requires significantly less metabolic energy and greatly decreases the chance of injury.
The backpacks come in varying sizes from 28L to 55L and can carry up to 50 lbs of gear. It also has an internal sleeve that holds a 2L reservoir for hydration on the move, taking care of multiple priorities all in one convenient package.
Well, what do you think of this cool camping gear? Do you own a unique outdoor gadget that has amplified your hiking adventures? Let us know in the comments below!
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