by Fuel For The Sole December 14, 2018 The Coolest Outdoor Gear on the Planet We are at the point in our camping and hiking career that we have accumulated all the gear. Got all Your Day Hiking Essentials Packing List When it comes to hiking, we spend most of our time and energy planning out our gear for multi-day hikes. The Best Car Camping Gear You NEED When Overlanding We are currently on our fourth month of car camping. We converted our SUV into a camper van and have 15 Green Tips on Responsible Overland Travel We have just completed six months of car camping throughout North America in our converted SUV camper van. One thing The Best Trekking Trips and Hiking Trails in the Indian Himalayas We chat a lot about hiking trails and trekking trips throughout North America. Well that is our expertise after all. 10 of the Best ‘Cheap Sleeping Bags’ for Camping The search for the perfect sleeping bag can be daunting. There are seemingly endless options, choices, and features available. And Hiking Food Ideas for Healthy Snacks and Meals Read on for our guide to hiking food ideas and how to keep snacks and meals healthy and high energy Your Ultimate Camping Packing List & Free Printable We like to consider ourselves seasoned campers. And Canadian campers to boot - which makes us even more hardcore. We've Road Trip 101: Which Camper Vehicle is Best for You? When we first decided to try out car camping, our very first (very drawn out) decision was to choose which Why You Should Consider Overland Car Camping Travel Whether you are a traditional traveler, brand new to car camping or an overlanding pro, it's always opportune to review « Previous 1 2 3 Next » Share FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail